Exodus (KS3) Project brought together groups of migrant and non-migrant communities to explore and aid communication between communities, improve understanding and challenge negative perceptions around refugee arrivals.

Exodus KS3

Using images, objects and physical theatre games as a starting point we were able to tell the stories of these communities.

Pupils participating in the project developed a variety of physical and creative skills through the application of yoga, aerial harness and cocoon and physical theatre.

Exodus was made possible with the support from Awards for All, Swan Mountain Trust, John Lyons Charity and Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

Images and video by Mark Morreau.

A dynamic project exploring the history of the women’s suffrage movement, working with 40 Year 9 students from Parliament Hill School Camden.

The Fight for Women’s Equality; then and now

Pupils explored the Women’s Library Archive; visited the Museum of London Suffragette Collection and took part in a suffrage tour and live debate at the Houses of Parliament. In addition, they attended masterclasses led by specialist historians including Dr Mari Takayangai, Dr Diane Atkinson, Dr Kate Connelly and Sarah Jacksons.

The pupils participated in hands-on theatrical design, exhibition curation workshops, visual arts and physical theatre workshops. The project culminated in a visual exhibition and two free site-specific performances celebrating the history of the Women’s Movement and present-day women’s activism.

See images from the project on our Flickr page.

Project consultants:
Sarah Jackson (East End Women’s Museum)
Dr Katherine Connelly
Dr Diane Atkinson
Dr Mari Takayanagi
Diane Hedditch

Creative Collaborators:
Exhibition curator: Sharna Jackson
Designer: Belinda Ackermann
Filmmaker: Chloë Plumb

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. With thanks to the Women’s Library LSE, the Houses of Parliament outreach team and the Museum of London.

Images and video by Chloë Plumb.

Dark side of the Moon, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, examined the history of female astronauts with students at Parliament Hill School. 

Dark side of the Moon

The project included investigations into historical materials and present-day accounts from living female astronauts, master classes on aspects of space travel, engineering and materials, and aerial workshops leading to a performance inspired by the history of women in space. 

 This was a collaborative project between Scarabeus  working with The Science Museum, Kingston University, Women’s Library lSE and staff at Parliament Hill School. 

“I learnt many things that were really interesting. I really enjoyed the interactive work and finding the facts for ourselves from the research documents. It was overall a really brilliant project.”

Zeehvar, aged 12, Parliament Hill School Pupil

Images and video by Chloë Plumb.

A collaborative heritage performance project between Scarabeus, Islington Education Library Service, Samuel Rhodes School & designer Belinda Ackermann. 

Twist, Rock, ‘N’ Jive

Exploring the swinging 60’s through physical theatre and dancing twists to our hearts content, the project saw Samuel Rhodes SEN Secondary school pupils immerse themselves into the colourful world of the 60’s.

Pupils created artwork inspired by artists such as Andy Warhol and design inspired by Biba and the space age. The project culminated in a promenade performance around the school building and a permanent exhibition created at Islington Education Library Service.

Project supported by Heritage Lottery Fund.

Images by Belinda Ackermann.